Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Causes and Effects of Air Pollution Essay#2 - 275 Words

The Causes and Effects of Air Pollution #2 (Essay Sample) Content: NameTutorCourseDateThe Causes and Effects of Air pollutionOne of major problem that makes it so difficult to create and enable a sustainable development on the environment for current and future generation is air pollution. Air pollution is the release of toxic chemicals and particles into the atmosphere. In most cases, it is artificially induced by factors such as industrial manufacturing. The industrial production of commodities releases spew chemicals such as sulphur (IV) oxide, carbon monoxide and other toxic acidic gasses. These substances have negative effects to human being and living things. The toxic gasses triggers to asthmatic attacks while the acid rains lead to rusting of iron roofs. However, it can also be natural such as in wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and natural processes.On top of that, burning of fossils fuels in households and faming chemicals causes air pollution. Such activities increase carbon (IV) oxide gas that triggers global warming. In ad dition to that, household activities such as farming using chemicals releases toxic gases into the atmosphere leading to the pollution.Air pollution have a negative effect to both human being and living things. Example, wild fire releases many dust hot particles, which lead to blockage of stomata of leaves this prevents photosynthesis proce...

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